Saturday, October 25, 2008

Angel Diplomacy

Two angels came down from heaven above to see how the world would respond to true love.

For God had a plan, for peace on our earth. So he tried hard to show us how much we are worth.

So his angels wore suits and looked like me and you, but the difference would be the things they would do.

And they spoke to us truths we did not want to hear, so as is our nature we struck back in fear.

In front of the world we slaughtered them there, we cut them and struck them, and stripped them down bare.

We would not listen, it just hurt to bad, and so God in heaven was painfully sad. What he had made now rejected, himself and his love, and time now flew on in the sky like a dove.

Friday, October 24, 2008

An attempt at Christain reggae

Some say I musta lost my mind somewhere along the way, but some fool gave me da flo so I am gunna speak today

Something’s very wrong with da way we are today, no one does what de mean, no one means what de say.

Now I ain’t a judg’n cause I do da same, yah man I’m a hypocrite and Jon is my name.

98% of da world’s living out der, while da 2% on top act like de don’t care.

And yah know da war we gotta fight, it aint over seas, da war we gotta be fightin’s on our hand and our knees.

No I don’t care if I am rememebered, and I don’t care, if I am known, I just care that the truth I say I have in my life will be shown. ….. yah dat da truth.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Beautiful Concept

A beautiful concept, formed in the mind, truly inspired by something divine.

A concept of love that would lay down it’s life, and not use the gun or the bomb, or the knife.

That a people could rise on the wings of a God, who to all in this world, would seem very odd.

They would stand before lions, and armies and kings, and cast off the death that the empire brings.

And to such as these, death would hold no fear, know their God will be ever near.

But it’s more then a concept, these people are real, they’ve bled and they’ve suffered for the one thing that’s real.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Under Winow's Paw

I know a thing called Winow, but it does not know me.
Yet somehow it has caught me, and will not let me free.
Winow likes to play with me, trapped beneath his paw.
At least i think it is a he, from his actions that i saw.
But it is hard to say, for he is no beast iv'e seen,
his claws are sharp, his ears are large, and his eyes are emerald green.
In comparison to Winow, i feel i know much more, yet his brilliance more simplistic,
has baffled me before.
Now once Winow is done, and i hold no more appeal,
ill crawl into my corner so that my wounds can heal.
For he knows not how he hurts me, or the pain he makes me feel.

Dont really have an interpretation for this, usually i do, but i dont.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

a nice little riot

Ello all, this week has been pretty riot, ups, downs, all arounds. I lost my bible somehow this week, so ive had to use another one, i had a good week at school, relatives came in today, and my hearing is just now returning fully from a concert last night, its wierd but kinda cool to have the effects of a concert ringing in my ears a day afterword. The only bad thing about this week is that i realise i actually really need a job now, im like broke now and need money for like 3 different things( none are essental but what is?) anyway only big reason i need a job is cause i got my liscence this week and need money to pay for car ensurance. Ahhhhh this week i liked but also disliked for with the getting of my liscense i was overcome with a sense unpleasant reality that at some point in the near future i will have to join the rest of society in whatever it is they do. It has its ups and downsides i suppose. So anyway i have let myself get more busy then i should have, and so well essentualy my God time suffered which naturally hurt me and my surroundings. Well i learned some things this week that at first i didnt want to learn but once i accepted them i was better for it, also i went to judgement house for the first time, twas pretty cool. Maybe made some wrong turns this week but no wrong moves. As it is usually there was nothing i regreted doing, only the way i did it. But anyways its all good ive got back hold of the fact that i dont have hold of anything so yah.

Peace out- This entry's song is "Take me to the riot"- by Stars, dedicated to Kelli lol

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I want to seek the unskewed, perfect God. The God who brakes away all our ideals, who gets past all our theology, our politics, and our culture, The God who is not in any way bound by my methods of seeking him. I serve the God who is more.
The simple truth.
God is love.
God is good.
God is enough.
He dosent need us trying to make him more.
We just need to let go of our devices that we have relied on for so long, that we are anchored by.
Maybe they helped us weather a storm or two but now it is time to set sail once again and follow Jesus. Amen

God has set an alarm clock for such a time as this and now its ringing. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

I live to let you shine- "boats and birds" - Gregory and the hawk

Hello all, today was cool, God is good, i have peace, i am losing my ideals, and its good.
God in his grace chose to reach me through many of my ideals, however, now its time to burn the old plans and start blank, being still knowng he is God. I just want to live with him shining through me, and i cant do that if i have all these methods and ideals that act as mirrors, distorting the light.
God is God, we are not, Thank goodness... the end
Peace love and Jesus, yall, amen.